Four Corners Tour – Ride Day 25 – Tour Day 22 – August 8, 2015 – Saturday

Start Time: 7:15 AM EDT
Stop Time: 6:09 PM EDT
Start Location: Tonawanda, NY
Stop Location: Orford, NH
Lodging: The Pastures Campground
Breakfast: McDonalds (Egg McMuffin sans the Canadian bacon)
Lunch: Original Pizza of Boston (slice of cheese pizza)
Dinner: Campsite (turkey and cheese on flour tortilla, peach, baby carrots)
Miles Traveled Today: 440
Weather: 61-81, Mixture of Cloudy and Sunny

States visited so far on this tour.
Route: Niagara Falls Blvd., I-290, I-90, NY-30, Ny-67, US-9, I-87, NY-149, US-4, I-91, US-5, VT-25A.
Today was another of those storm clouds behind me and clear skies ahead until well after lunchtime.
I was hoping to take a route that did not involve any tolls today, but Miss. Zumo said it would add more than 4 hours to my ride, so back on the toll roads for me ($18.00 today).
I spent the better part of the day on the Interstate, and was really looking forward to getting on some scenic roads, which I finally did late in the afternoon.
Around 4:00 PM, I picked up another state.
From the moment I got off the Interstate, the scenery became outstanding. Riding through the Adirondack Mountains was a real treat.
Just before arriving at my campground, I crossed another state line (the river that the campground is on is the boundary).
The campground I’m at tonight is a cut above many of the campgrounds I have stayed at. The grounds are very well kept, and the river view is lovely at sunset.
Several forks have messaged me, or texted me with questions about my campsite meals.
I keep all the items that need to be refrigerated in the Yeti cooler, and all the other items in the galley of the Aspen Classic Camper.
This is my kitchen setup each evening.
It all works quite well. As for the minimal meals, I try to eat my big meal of the day at lunch, but something about touring keeps my appetite curbed in the evening.
Tomorrow, God willing, I’m off to catch the fourth corner in Madawaska, Maine.
Thank you Lord for your travel mercies amongst the highway riff raff.
That short prayer brings a question for all those reading this. Please add your understanding of the word yield into the comments below (this could get interesting).
Tour Tip:
Wash your motorcycle (and trailer if you have one) at least once per week. It’s surprising how much a clean rig changes your mindset.
Product Review:
My brother Donny loaned his 2000 watt Honda Generator to me for this trip, and although I have only needed it a few times so far, it is a sweet piece of equipment.
Based on how quiet it is, how easy it starts (always on the first pull), and how light and compact it is, I give it five out of five stars. It has no problem at all running the A/C unit and keeping all my electronics charged and running.
Thanks Donny for allowing me to borrow one of your truly valuable possessions, one many would be reluctant to lend out.
That is such a cool rig you have and oh such a wonderful ride. Are you going back through Buffalo? I went to college out there. If so go to Panos on Elmwood Ave. and have the best Chicken Salvaki on earth. Also don’t miss Saratoga, NY. Saratoga is know is the August Place to be. Keep safe..
Thanks TwoTire. Good equipment makes me smile (until it does not operate correctly, which almost always has something to do with Bluetooth).
Catching my last corner today, so no, I won’t be going back through the boyhood home of Seth Godin (Buffalo). Gonna point this rig toward home, but still 6 more days of riding (3 on interstate, mostly I-95, and 3 on some of the best motorcycle roads in the world).