Four Corners Tour – Ride Day 21 – Tour Day 18 – August 4, 2015 – Tuesday

Start Time: 6:07 AM MDT
Stop Time: 8:12 PM MDT
Start Location: Red Lodge, MT
Stop Location: Wall, SD
Lodging: Arrow Campground
Breakfast: Campsite (cereal with almond milk)
Lunch: Pockey’s Bar and Grill (brisket, corn)
Dinner: Campsite (PB&J on flour tortilla, cherries, Apple)
Miles Traveled Today: 581
Weather: 58-82, overcast all day

States visited so far on this tour.
Route: US-212, I-90, US-16, SD-244, US-16, I-90.
The Majority of the day was spent on I-90. Wyoming redeemed itself when I ran up on this sign coming back into Wyoming on I-90.
Saw a sign on the Interstate that was advertising Bar-B-Q, so after getting gas, I went on the hunt. After 25 minutes of searching, I found this place (not much to look at, but I was willing to give it a try).
I was glad I stopped after I took the first bite. My favorite place to get Brisket is Timberloft in Gordonsville, Tennessee. This place is a very, very close second.
Not too long after lunch, I crossed another state line (the map of many colors is starting to look like a Christmas tree).
Next stop, Mt. Rushmore. For those not familiar with the Sturgis Bike Ralley, I’m told there are more than 1.2 million bikers in the Sturgis area (which includes Mt. Rushmore), and I believe it, maybe more.
The ride up was great, and I was not alone. I’ve never seen so many motorcycles in a single area in my life. There are more bikes than cars on the roads around here.
My. Rushmore was pretty awesome to behold. Even had a stare down with President Washington.
Let’s just say that Sturgis was not my cup of tea. The words of John The Baptist kept echoing through my head as I made my way through the main thoroughfare of Sturgis, “what come ye out to see?”
I not only got out of town (literally), I changed my campground from Spearfish, SD to Wall, SD to make sure I was clear of all the madness.
Lord, I thank you for giving me a safe day of riding, and for guarding the windows of my heart (my eyes) from things men need not see.
Tomorrow, I’ll be pulling another Interstate marathon (I-90) all day long. Heading to Mason City, Iowa. At least listing the route will be easy on tomorrow nights post.
Tour Tip:
Make sure you not only have an extension cord, but that you have a strip with 5 or more outlets. Not being able to plug in your electronics can become disastrous.
Product Review:
The Aspen Classic Camper has been the first thing that pops in my mind each time I thought about doing these product reviews, but I wanted to wait until I felt I had used it enough to be fair.
I love this camper. The King size bed is bigger than my bed at home. It tracks behind the bike so well, you almost forget it is there. I love that the tent poles are internal (I hang things on them to dry).
I really love having the cooler along, and the camper makes that possible. I love that it is air conditioned, pops up in about 10 minutes, and I can pack it up in approximately 15 minutes. I love the king size memory foam mattress, and I love how much screen area there is on mild weather nights.
I love the storage below, and yet it is relatively easy to get to your items stored below. I love the little AC. It’s just an all around cool mama jama.
Well, that about wraps up this day, so whose been to Mt. Rushmore before, and what is your favorite memory of your visit?
We’ve been on a family vacation there when the boys were still at home. The whole “out west” vacation was unbelievable! Not sure I can point out one thing about Mt. Rushmore. Hmmmmm. Indescribable? You just have to see it to believe it! The Badlands was a highlight with the boys. We just kept thinking about all the places the bad guys could hide and you’d never find them. hehe
Bob when you get to Indiana at your destination look for the Bluegate Resturant in Shipshawanna. You should see a lot of Amish and Minnonite people there. been enjoying your e mails and we pray for you. Jim & Beverly
Thanks Beverly. My plan was to jump up to Michigan for dinner so I can count it as a state I visited, but I can probably do it at lunch just as easily.
I’m catching up a bit here, so a little behind, but… I was there in about ’01 or ’02 with my in-laws (they used to live in SD before they moved to western MT). We stayed in a cabin just south of Spearfish, where even though it was August, there was ice on the water in the bottom of the canoe the next morning.