Four Corners Tour – Ride Day 18 – Tour Day 15 – August 1, 2015 – Saturday

Start Time: 6:57 AM PDT
Stop Time: 7:16 PM MDT
Start Location: Winthrop, WA
Stop Location: Whitefish, MT
Lodging: Whitefish RV Park
Breakfast: Campsite (cereal with almond milk)
Lunch: McDonalds (burger and fries)
Dinner: Campsite (PB&J on flour tortilla, Apple, baby carrots)
Miles Traveled Today: 472
Weather: 58-102, A like overcast the first few hours, then Clear and Sunny the rest of the day

States visited so far on this tour.
Route: US-20, US-97, US-2, US-93.
Today’s ride was pretty long and HOT, but other than the heat, the weather was perfect.
Got an early start knowing I was going to lose an hour going from Pacific to Mountain time, but I did not anticipate sitting on US-20 for an hour.
There was an accident involving a fatality about an hour and a half before I got to the area, and it took them another hour to get the road back open.
Someone woke up this fine day with absolutely no idea that today would be their last day on this planet.
If you are reading this and don’t know the Jesus story of redemption, don’t waste a minute before asking someone, or me, to tell you about how Jesus died for your sins, was buried, and arose from the dead on the third day to defeat death.
Even if you don’t think you will believe the story, you need to know the story fully. Pascal’s Wager is a very good justification to know the story.
Pas·cal’s wa·ger
the argument that it is in one’s own best interest to behave as if God exists, since the possibility of eternal punishment in hell outweighs any advantage of believing otherwise.
Ok, back to touring. I picked up another state this morning. Boom.
And just a few hours later, another. Boom, boom.
The ride today was very unlike the Pacific Coast Highway. The roads were sexy, but in a long tall drink of water kind of way as opposed to the short and sassy curves of the Pacific Coast Highway.
The scenery was nice, but not quite as dramatic as what I have been experiencing for the past week.
The biggest difference is the speed you can maintain in the turns, and today was a mostly 60 plus MPH day rather than a 35-40 kind of day.
I want to thank you Lord that today was not my last, and for letting me see your love and compassion for the soul who lost their life today rather than being aggravated by the inconvenience of being held up for an hour.
Thank you for the opportunity to get to know a little bit about a fellow biker from Washington, and to be able to share a cold bottle of water with him.
Tomorrow, I’m hoping to ride as much of the Going-To-The-Sun road as possible. Right now the story I’m hearing is I can ride up and back, missing about 18 miles of the ride, but certainly better than not riding it at all.
The doubling back may cost me some time, but that’s a chance I’m willing to take. The advice I have gotten here in the campground is go as early as possible or it will be a very slow ride because of heavy traffic. Looks like I’ll be getting up at the butt crack of dawn AGAIN.
Tour Tip: I find having a good variety of things to listen to while riding is very helpful. When I’m riding sexy roads , I either want quick paced music, mostly praise and worship, or nothing.
When I’m riding two lane sweeping curves through the countryside, I like to listen to podcasts (I don’t use an iPod to listen to them, but I’m pretty sure Apple would sue me if I rebranded them).
When I ride the Interstate (that Al Gore’s dad invented), I like to listen to audio books.