Four Corners Tour – Introductions

I have found that I enjoy reading other people’s blogs more when I know the person, or at least I feel like I know the person. Those that never really introduce themselves always seem distant, and hard to relate to, so this is my attempt to resolve that issue for anyone that is wired like me (I said wired, not weird).
My name is Bob Buckley, but I also answer to Bobbo and GrandBob. My close family and friends call me Bobbo, my grandchildren call me GrandBob. I have to say that I am particularly fond of GrandBob (it is music to my ears to hear little voices call my GrandName).
As you can see in the photo (I hope you can see it), I even had my GrandName painted on the back of my motorcycle, along with my wife’s GrandName (Lovie), and the proclamation that Jesus is Lord (indeed He is), which brings me to my bikes name. She gets called several things from time to time, White Wing being a favorite, but when pressed recently for an official bike name, I had to think about it for a little while, and settled on Sweet Baby JIL (Jesus Is Lord).
So, from this point on, you will hear me referring to her as Sweet Baby JIL, or JIL for short. Now, on with the introduction. I have been married to Deborah Arlene for 36 years as of 07/14/2015 (just a couple weeks away). I have two daughters (both my boys were girls), one that is 32, and one that is 28. I have 5 grand-children, two by marriage, and three the regular way. One is 19, one is 18, two are 3 and the last one just turned 1 this week.
I have had many businesses throughout my lifetime, but the one that I did the longest, and relate to the most was cabinetmaker. I owned and operated a cabinet manufacturing plant in Middle Tennessee from 1990 until 2012. A am the author of a book about cabinetmaking, and have developed several pieces of software for cabinetmakers (I suppose you are beginning to see a common theme in my business choices), and have done a considerable amount of consulting to cabinetmakers.
This tour will have a 4 day interruption so I can work my booth at an International Woodworkers Trade Show in Las Vegas, Nevada (introducing a new generation of estimating software for, you guessed it, cabinetmakers). I suppose I will always have my hand in the cabinet manufacturing business in one way or another.
So now that you know who I am, I would love to know who is following me on this adventure (virtually). You don’t have to write a book about it, but I would love to know a little bit about all of those following along. Please add a comment or two about yourself in the comments section, or just your name if I already know you.
Looking forward to following your progress!
Thanks Randy, really looking forward to getting this show on the road, and hoping I’m not regretting it at any point of the journey.
Hello, my name is Danielle, but my Dad calls me Dowell. I am a mom to two of your grandkids and I’m so happy they have a GrandBob embarking on this amazing adventure. I wish I could go with you. Keep your heart open and your showers warm. 😉
Thanks Dowell. The warmth of my showers will be dependent on the sun for some of my stays (solar bag), but a cold shower never hurt anyone.
Your sister will love you and pray for you to four corners and back. Have a blast little brother. Love you to pieces
Thanks Sis.
looking forward to see the pictures and hearing the stories from your grand journey. You are really special to have this chance and to even come up with this amzing advanture. Hope your hand laundry skill is good enough to keep your underwears clean.
Thanks son, I’ll try to follow your underwear cleaning advice.